Simplicity at best

Thursday 19 April 2012

Is there a feeling more frustrating than the feeling of lack of inspiration? The feeling of fleeting feelings and an inevitable end that may not even be inevitable. I can't help but be overwhelmed with the senstion of being left behind, while everyone has all these amazing talents and goals what do I have? I'm missing the feeling of freshness and excitement, almost like a lonesome, personal rutt of sorts. It's a feeling that will surely pass but I can not stand this stale, gut renching feeling that keeps telling me that there is nothing and no one for me. It keeps telling me that even though there are all these people in my life, I'll always come second to something or someone. This may even sound selfish becuse I can't be the highlight of everyones life, but everyone want's to feel loved unconditionally. It's hard giving away so much love and hardly recieving any back, how can I recycle the love with everyone is putting it in the trash? I feel at odds with my own self and I'm not sure how to find resolve within myself, I need to stop relying on theres to make me happy but that is simply easier said than done.

Just having one of those days where I just through sentence structure and poetically formed words out the window, one of those days where I just need to let it out. It helped, thanks for reading.

Also, a blog doesn't feel complete without a picture but I couldn't find one that fit the mood, so here is a picture of a giraffe. 