Simplicity at best

Monday 27 June 2011

Chasing Pavements- Adele

I know i said I'd do this more often, but I had some technical and personal issues to work out before I could really start, so here we go. (Ps. I had this new idea to write while listening to a specific song and i thought if i put the song and artist as the name you could listen to what gave me the inspiration for the blog. Let me no what you think!)

How do you know, especially at this age, what is love or what is lust? Lust, the word almost seems crude and rash, like saying you just want someone, not need them. I personally would rather be loved, not someones interest of lust. Such a hard word to wrap your head around. I find myself contidicting myself, everyone wants to be desired, but for me I want so much more. I want someone to not be able to breathe when Im not there, not almost feel phyical pain. Of course I want to feel that way towards someone too, preferably the one who feels the same way. Maybe its because Im young, that I feel this way, but then again its totally normal to feel this way. Doesn't everybody want that love that makes them give in and just lose total control. So romantic that it makes your skin feel tingly, makes your eyes water, makes your palms sweat in the most amazing way. Its been so long since I felt that, that is even if i've ever felt that at all, or maybe I just made it up to feel more whole.


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