Simplicity at best

Sunday 3 July 2011

Blue Valintine

So this blog is not inspired by a song, but a movie I have recently seen. This movie got to me in a way never thought possible, for a movie atleast. I tried to write down how it made me feel which was actually incredibly hard. I hope I got my message across. Enjoy.

Have you ever seen something so depressing, so heart-breaking that it makes you just want to give up on your life? That would be the movie Blue Valintine. So without giving the whole movie away, it goes through the life of a young couple from where they meet and fall in love up until they have a daughter and are at odds with eachother. He's still totally in love with her, but she is at her wits end with him and doesn't feel the same about him anymore.

This movie made me feel so unbelievibly dissapointed in love. This happens to so many people, falling out of love. Thats one thing I hope never happens to me, is loving someone, giving them everything, having them be this huge part of your life, than suddenly not feeling the same way about them anymore. I cant even wrap my head around how unbelievibly sad that is, not to mention frustrating. You want this person, no, need this person more than anything and having them not feel for you in the same way. Like they say, " Its better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. "


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