Simplicity at best

Monday 1 August 2011

Sun and Stars- Victory Sweet Victory

The one thing about moving on is the fact that I cant help but always compare every guy I see to my previous boyfriend. No two people are exactly the same and when something ends you want things to go back to being the same and if they cant you find someone to be a replacement. The problem with using someone as a replacement is that your feeling's aren't real, which isn't fair for yourself or the person your with. The thing that needs to be realised is that you and your previous partner did not work out for a reason so going out and finding someone similar to them in the long run is a bad idea. Its a vicious cycle that is very hard to break. Even sitting here writing this I find myself thinking about the past and how I would give anything to have that back, but not all of that relationship was good and its hard to see that when you can only focus on the parts that make you ache to have back. The first part of putting your life back together is moving on and just accepting the fact that things wont be the same. They might be better or they might get worse, but that risk is so worth it, in my opinion.

Just a little something I wrote up while on an extremely long car ride. Its been bugging me for a while, the thought of getting back out there and scared that I wont find anyone who will measure up to the last.


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